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martes, 19 de mayo de 2015

Cultemas of Robert Louis Stevenson

*Valedictory eloquence is rare, and death-bed sayings have not often hit the mark of the occasion

*We are not damned for doing wrong, but for not doing right

*we are criminal lunatics and should place our persons in restraint.

*a mortified appetite is never a wise companion

*a great deal of cheerfulness will be required in judging life, and a great deal of humility in judging others

*the task before us, which is to co-endure with our existence, is rather one of microscopic fineness, and the heroism required is that of patience.

*A man dissatisfied with his endeavours is a man tempted to sadness.

*the kingdom of heaven is of the childlike, of those who are easy to please, who love and who give pleasure

*Gentleness and cheerfulness, these come before all morality; they are the perfect duties

*One person I have to make good: myself
nuestra felicidad no está en nuestras propias manos

*we may have nerves very sensitive to pain, and be afflicted with a disease very painful.

*Revenge, says Bacon, is a kind of wild justice

*Here lies one who meant well, tried a little, failed much

Guillermo Compte Cathcart

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