When a powerful person speaking in public the life-threatening risks grow in a dangerous way.
Among the public lies a threat.
Security measures are not enough. Always be insufficient. Nobody, not even the most powerful man in the world is safe from an attempt on his life.
The history shows that power is at hand and the will kill of any delirious.
The interruption that suffered the First Lady is just a sample of the insecurity that crosses our everyday life.
Start a discussion of violence in the contemporary world involves the creation of cultural mechanisms designed for the purpose: break down the parts of a topic, theme or problem, to establish causal hierarchies that explain how the compound in question is.
Such analysis requires time, reflection, multiple readings, dialogue, participation, pause, silence to listen to other voices, to process understanding differences, respect, ie cultural virtues.
Cultural virtues that the fanatics do not have.
The overpowering of this intellectual effort lies in the simple fact that real and concrete - while I'm writing these words - one or more unidentified individuals are jumping the gate, crushing the plants in the garden, breaking the door of the living room with a double-bladed ax.
And after killing the mother of my wife, who was in the kitchen preparing a tea with lemon, they come by my screaming like wild Vikings.
Obviously, my reasons will not be heard and if they were they would be no understood: the jackal misconstrue the sheep’s poems.
We are in a cultural war - unfortunately - not recognized as such. And, so far, all the culture wars that have gone through the history of mankind are at the last blood, that is, when the other side - or sides in a human society fragmented in its social and cultural claims - physically disappears the face of the earth.
I become the guardian angel to the remote starting of the ordinary and necessary ends up becoming the sullen and angry stranger who loses all possibility of social exchange. Always Edges Sentinel becomes the Beast that monitors, the Other Ravenous incapable of dialogue and understanding, human culture instruments developed over millennia to make tolerable and meaningful life together.
Just enough to understand the nature of the issue cite an example: imagine the reader who must travel two hundred yards from a totally inhospitable territory populated by people able to jump on his body to take up his last breath.
How long would such a dam to make such a journey? What would your mental and physical state after such a voyage? Would you be able to take another flight immediately, without any replacement without any cultural holiday? Would endure such a situation? Accept as the normal state of your everyday existence? To live to preserve life and nothing else? Erase thousands of years of cultural evolution?
Well, we have reached that point and will not recognize it - more sooner or later - a victim of predators that surround us as a band of hungry lions that smell and choose their prey on the innocent herbivores herd of the Gods modern of Ecological “garantistas”.
Every time there is a clash between Reason of Force and the Force of Reason, the latter being massacred. When is Brute Force and totally irrational, Reason is just a complainer babbling impotence, a pitiful and pathetic hint of bondage.
When the storm of instincts is invoked must nourish the body and soul to call for a new dawn.
It does not serve the "do this to get that" typical of established rules for all players and spectators from the field marked by the laws, court procedures, hearings, appeals or "justice was done" which babble before TV cameras when convicted the murderer of your family to 18 years in prison for the receipt of attorney "human rights".
Violence is always from the point of view of the victim, instantaneous, unpredictable, terrible, brutal, improper characteristics of culture. When monosyllabic beings around you, dressed to kill, covered by pseudo-intellectual interpretations that call "urban tribes", "kids jets", "picket", "hooligans", you are surrounding the mutant born in the darkness of a catastrophe world.
Neither Aristotle nor Plato nor Socrates could emerge unscathed from such a meeting.
Just have some chance the hopeless Mad Max the Road Warrior.
Guillermo Compte Cathcart
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